Thinking about bioidentical replacement therapy – but not sure exactly what it entails?  Join us for a free educational seminar at our two convenient New York City-area locations and learn how these plant-based hormones may be just what you’re looking for at this stage in your life:

March 11, 6 p.m.    2158 Ocean Ave, Brooklyn, NY 11229     (718) 382-9200

March 14, 6 p.m.    425 Northern Blvd., Great Neck, NY 11021     (516) 467-0253

Space is limited for both seminars.  Call to reserve your spot today!


Hot flashes? Check.  Forgetfulness?  Check.  Mood swings?  Check.  Trouble sleeping?  Check.  Low sex drive? Check, once again.

If you’re in your 40s or 50s and these symptoms sound all too familiar, take heart: you’re not alone.  It’s about this stage in our lives that this laundry list of annoying, inconvenient and disturbing issues begin to arise.  The good news is that they can be properly addressed with a healthy diet, regular exercise and the judicious use of bioidentical hormones administered by a trained, licensed holistic practitioner.  The bad news is that if they’re left unaddressed, they well might trouble you well into your later years.

Having helped many patients with these very same issues, Sergey Kalitenko MD uses a personalized, informed approach to tackle each scenario on a patient-by-patient basis.  For bioidentical hormone replacement therapy (BHRT), he looks at each patient’s medical history, lifestyle and objectives, and personalizes a hormone therapy regimen to suit their individual needs.

Bioidentical hormones are a keystone of Dr. Kalitenko’s practice.  And with the aging Baby Boomer population in mind, there’s a willing and eager audience for this alternative form of treatment.

When they approach middle age, women typically begin experiencing hot flashes, fatigue, memory lapses, mood swings, sleep disorders and a lack of libido.  Their male counterparts might also experience erectile dysfunction, which can affect their self-confidence and ultimately result in less pleasurable, more stressful sexual interactions.

Along with that, our bodies show their age in other ways.  We may experience less energy than we did in our youth, our bones and muscles may weaken, and we might just not feel as happy as we used to.  While this is natural as we get older, it doesn’t mean that we need to live this way.  Not when bioidentical hormones are available.

To best serve patients throughout the greater New York City area, Dr. Kalitenko has offices in both Brooklyn and Long Island.  This allows him to offer this customized, plant-based hormone therapy to a wide variety of patients in two convenient locations.

And it’s important to differentiate between synthetic hormones and bioidentical hormones – which is what Dr. Kalitenko will go into more during his educational seminar.  In essence, synthetic hormones like Premarin and Prempo are developed by pharmaceutical companies in a lab.  Approved by the Food & Drug Administration, these chemically derived hormones typically contain horse estrogens or synthetic progestins, and have been linked to health risks that include cancer and blood clots.

Contrast this with bioidentical hormones which are made from plant compounds.  Numerous expert sources suggest that BHRT may provide the necessary support to manage your hormonal imbalance.

If this sounds intriguing and you’d like to learn more, RSVP today for Dr. Kalitenko’s upcoming educational seminar on bioidentical hormone replacement therapy.  You have nothing to lose (except maybe some of those troubling symptoms that we mentioned above) – and everything to gain.  After all, who wouldn’t want to feel happier … more energetic … and more sexually satisfied?


Speaker Information

Board certified in Internal Medicine, Sergey Kalitenko MD graduated from Donetsk Medical Institute in the Ukraine, later serving as an emergency care physician and head of the Hyperbaric Oxygen Department of the Donetsk Clinical Hospital.  After moving to the United States, Dr. Kalitenko finished his medical residency in Brooklyn, New York, was Board Certified in Internal Medicine, and became a staff physician at a teaching hospital to support both in-patient and out-patient care. In 2001, he decided he could better serve patients through his own practice, utilizing a functional and holistic approach to traditional medicine at his two convenient locations in Brooklyn and Long Island. By addressing the root causes of his patients’ unique concerns, he can then address them on an individual basis to promote a healthy lifestyle and overall wellness.