Autism: Our Toxic Past Still Haunts Us

Autism has been thought to be caused by genetics, but recent research is pointing to environmental factors. The likely culprit? Toxins. Toxins that aren’t even in use today seem to have a link to autism.   Lingering Chemicals Make Themselves Known A recent study has discovered a link between autism and prenatal exposure to toxic […]

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Wheat and Whole Grains May Not Be as Healthy as You Think

Wheat and grains contain proteins that may do more harm than good to your gut. These proteins might be often inflammatory and could damage your gut lining. How do you get around that? By cutting grains and gluten out of your diet, eating balanced meals, and getting enough probiotics in your gut.   Inflammatory Wheat […]

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Who’s Really in Charge: Your Brain or Your Gut?

If you’ve been having a hard time paying attention to things or just haven’t been feeling emotionally well, your first thought probably wasn’t that your gut could be the source of the issue. You might be wondering why you should worry about your gut, because it’s so far removed from the brain and from thought, […]

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The Shocking Truth Behind Whole Grain Foods

Eat your grains! Whole grains are extremely popular because of their heavily advertised health benefits.  But the more research is done, the less attractive they look to doctors and patients?and to me. While doing a follow-up appointment with a patient, he mentioned that he had eaten bread the day before the appointment.  I said, ?As […]

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