Antibiotic Resistance Meats Are Turning You Toxic

For over 50 years, the animals that eventually end on our plates have been given antibiotics to kill pathogens, but now, the FDA is warning that the misuse and overuse of the antibiotics is causing us to be more resistant. And right now, the concentration desperately needs to be on trying to develop ways to reduce resistance.
How did it get to this point? Well, it?s simple. Using chemicals, medicines, poisons in our food is killing us. We are beyond toxic. A full story on the dangers of our meat causing the resistance can be found here:
So, yes, antibiotics are good for us. They can help us get better in an emergency. They can work on getting us healthy again when we have an infection. But it?s important to know that antibiotics not only kill the bad bacteria, they also kill the good bacteria.In short, the overuse of antibiotics in meat affects human beings adversely.
In women, one of the most common effects of this is yeast infections. Many women get a yeast infection after even just one antibiotic dose. Because women need bacteria to kill off yeast, that can develop, and antibiotics remove all bacteria, it quickly can develop into another uncomfortable situation.
The best thing that you can do to be safe is to eat organic beefinstead of the savoring on the antibiotic resistance meat.. Grass fed cows and organic beef can keep us from getting sick or being toxic. In grass and corn fed cows, the stomach content is neutral, while in corn fed cows, the content is acidic. The result is that there are bugs that learn to be resistant to acid. And in humans, our stomach acid is the primary barrier for infection. When we end up eating meat that may have those bugs, we can end up with more than we bargained for.
Here is an article about the differences between grass and grain fed cows.
So, what is the natural solution to keep us healthy, besides becoming vegetarian:
organic: Eating organic means that your food is not tainted by the chemicals and toxins of regular beef that you buy in the supermarket. You can apply this to pesticides in regular fruit and vegetables, etc.
grass fed: Grass fed beef tastes better and is better for you
do it yourself: the best way to know that your meat is safe is to cook it yourself. And with grass fed beef, cooking options are so much different, and the meat is so much more tasty.
no processed food: nothing from a package. Be natural!
Here is a site with tips and recipes for grass-fed beef.
What about you? Have you ever tried grass fed beef? Are you concerned that your body doesn?t react to antibiotics the way that it used to?