Unknown Toxins Of Our Daily Life Is Crippling Us

When we use something every day we want it to be 100% safe, especially if it?s approved for home use. None want to keep hazards next to us, but now it seems that such common, innocent looking things can literally cripple us.
When a 15 year old boy bought a laser pointer on the internet, he didn?t think it would cripple him.  He started playing with it in front of the mirror to create a light show. The result was disastrous: he could not see as clearly as before – as the laser beam hit his eyes and damaged his retina, which lets us see things. How did this happen?
Lasers sold to the public should have an output of no more than 5mW, which is considered harmless. Lesson to learn here: it turned out that what was considered harmless wasn?t harmless at all. But we?re not all playing with laser pointers, so does this story about laser pointers matter to us? Maybe if we just don?t use laser pointers we?ll be safe? Not the case.
As time goes by, we learn more and more that the many things around us that we consider harmless, are in fact crippling us. Have you ever eaten bread? Pasta? Pizza? Sure you have, because we consider wheat and its products to be safe.  Did you know that its porting Gluten is linked to many diseases, including heart disease and cancer? Are you using a cell phone? Probably. Did you know that these gluten foods is linked to brain tumors?  Even World health Organization considers cell phones as probably carcinogenic, but not the organization that should protect us first — the American Cancer Society. The question is why? Is it cell phone industry lobbying? Are you drinking tap water?  Do you know that recent study found arsenic tap water contamination? Are you going to drink tap water again?
Based on the above, do you think we?re surrounded by toxins that we mostly don?t know about? Lasers, noise, radio smog, air pollutants and food are all things we may not even notice on a daily basis. But the truth is, they can be causing more damage than the things we actively try to avoid. We know to stay away from certain things, but what happens when we live in the city? We open our windows at night as we?re used to the noise of the city. Or the light of the alarm clock, the nightlight, or television glow? What about radioactive waves that we can be exposed to? How dirty is our air? How toxic is our food? There are so many things that we need to see doctors for. We grow older, we get medicated, we get diagnosed, and we learn to live with ailments and diseases.
Below are several practical tips on how to stay away from unexpected crippling toxins:
Don?t point a laser pointer at people or mirrors.
Turn off fuses at night.
Don?t use a microwave.
When you sleep, use fabric that isolates and protects you from radio waves.
Turn off regular lights at night like computer lights, alarm clock, etc.
Stay away from electric lines with a high voltage.
Avoid processed food.
Use air filters and purifiers for air cleaning.
Vacuum bedroom often to get rid of dust.
References: 1.  http://www.nejm.org/doi/full/10.1056/NEJMc1005818 2.  Ludvigsson JF, Montgomery SM, Ekbom A, Brandt L, Granath F. Small-intestinal histopathology and mortality risk in celiac disease. JAMA. 2009 Sep 16;302(11):1171-8. 3.  Hardell, Lennart; Carlberg, Michael; S?derqvist, Fredrik; Mild, Kjell Hansson; Morgan, L. Lloyd (2007). “Long-term use of cellular phones and brain tumours: Increased risk associated with use for ?10 years”. Occupational and Environmental Medicine 64 (9): 626?32. doi:10.1136/oem.2006.029751. PMC 2092574. PMID 17409179. 4.  International Agency for Research on Cancer (2011-05-31). “IARC classifies radiofrequency electromagnetic fields as possibly carcinogenic to humans” (PDF). Press release. Retrieved 2011-06-02. 5.  http://www.cancer.org/Cancer/CancerCauses/OtherCarcinogens/AtHome/cellu…