Do Not Harm Yourself With Excess Of Gyming

Feel the burn? If it burns, it?s working, right? We are told at the gym that if we don?t workout to the point of straining ourselves that it must be working. But, you may be putting more strain on your body and hurting yourself more, just by using gym equipment.
And now companies that make gym equipment are figuring out ways to make it smaller, more compact, and more accessible to people who can?t make it to a gym everyday. And the new invention will further cause several gym hazards.
We can work out, can lift weights and do weight machines and the results will show, no doubt. Our muscle mass will grow, but the problem is that the size of the vessels that feed our muscles stay the same. As a result, there is too much pressure because of blood undersupply and our bodies are under too much strain.
Our joints are under too much pressure when we don?t exercise in the natural way. When we jog or play hard sports, we are putting ourselves at risk. Working out at the gym puts unnecessary pressure on our joints and muscles. Look at how much trauma you hear about just from some simple workouts: torn ligaments, concussions, muscle pain, arthritis, and that?s to only name a few.
Even kids are being pushed too hard in school sports. Check out this article which shows that concussions are on the rise among youth:…
The point here is that even though workout equipment may be readily accessible in today?s market, natural exercise equipment is even more accessible and the results will be a natural and more healthy look, toned and lean, but not unnaturally muscular either.
We have to remember that the most natural way to live is the caveman lifestyle. I always stress it in the way that we eat: that we should stick to lean meats and no carbs or dairy, but it?s also important to remember that we have natural ways to stay fit as well. You don?t see obese creatures in the animal kingdom, but when was the last time you saw a monkey opting for the gym workout routine. The point is that you don?t, and they do it naturally.
Take another example, which may seem more natural but actually isn?t: jogging. While running in short bursts to get something may be natural, jogging is not. The strain on your joints is too much. Joggers often complain about permanent damage to the knees. No workout should cause permanent damage! What good is being fit if you can?t walk?
Even some trainers say that people are working themselves too hard. Studies show that many athletes, like those who train extra hard for marathons, often end up injuring themselves and not even being able to complete the task. This article shows that even trainers are pushing people to ?train? less.
Some of these can help you get a natural workout:
       ? Gardening
       ? Home chores
       ? Grocery shopping
       ? Walking
       ? Going to the park with your child and not sitting on the bench
You will see that a more natural lifestyle, along with a healthy diet can keep you just as toned, but more healthy than a gym!