Holistic Medicine: Just Another Name for Good, Responsible Medicine

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If you surveyed 100 people about what constitutes holistic medicine, you?d probably get about as many different responses.
And yet if you ask Dr. Sergey Kalitenko, a holistic practitioner with two offices in the greater New York City area, the answer is simple.  There?s really no such thing as ?alternative? or ?functional? medicine.  It all just comes down to good, responsible medicine.
As a holistic specialist, Dr. Kalitenko advocates a whole-body approach to wellness.  Taking mind, body and spirit into account, he looks at the big picture when addressing medical concerns ? paying particular attention to the root causes or lifestyle behaviors that may be contributing factors.
Take a patient with heart failure, for example.  Traditional physicians are trained to diagnose and remedy the ailing heart, but may not look below the surface to determine why the heart was troubled to begin with.  Sometimes it?s those underlying factors ? the ?why? beneath the ?how? ? that can be the culprits.  In the case of the heart, for example, poorly maintained gums might actually be exacerbating the situation.  A holistic expert?s belief that the whole is greater than the sum of its parts may well make the difference when treating a patient?s individual dilemma.
How about kidney stones?  Traditional physicians often attribute them to excessive supplement use, a urinary tract infection, chronic dehydration or a hereditary disorder.  But what if there?s something a bit more insidious and difficult to spot that might be playing an equally important role?  Turns out that kidney stones may also be caused by an imbalance of Oxalobacter formignes bacteria in the digestive tract.  This helpful gut flora in the intestines decreases the amount of calcium oxalate in the system, preventing it from building up to a calcium-based kidney stone.  A holistic practitioner would most likely notice and remedy this bacterial imbalance, whereas a traditional doctor might miss it if focusing exclusively on the kidney.
Acne is yet another great example.  When faced with clogged pores, inflamed cysts and unsightly blemishes, the first inclination is to wash the face with antibacterial cleaners, dab the skin with astringents, and apply topical creams easily purchased at the drugstore.  If those don?t work, a trip to a dermatologist is next, which may result in prescription medications, peels, microdermabrasion or other forms of more intensive treatments.
Holistic medicine doesn?t discount that approach; in fact, it uses many of the same strategies when addressing acne-ravaged skin.  But what it also does is take into account the environmental or lifestyle factors that may be contributing to this unpleasant condition.  For example, does the individual?s diet contact too many dairy products?  Too many carbohydrates?  Both have been linked to troubled skin, yet all too often are unaddressed when helping to remedy pimples, blackheads and whiteheads. 
While traditional medicine is skilled at solving acute problems, holistic medicine may be more appropriate for addressing chronic conditions.  If you?d like to learn more about Dr. Kalitenko?s whole-body approach to good, responsible medicine, schedule a consultation at his Brooklyn office (718-382-9200) or Great Neck office (516-467-0253.)