90% Of People At Risk From Hidden Salt

Sea Salt and Potassium Can Be Good Replacement for Salt in Your Diet
The Center for Disease Control and Prevention says that even though Americans should only be eating one teaspoon of salt a day, only one out of ten of us actually keep to those guidelines. Those at risk are supposed to have even less, 2/3 of a teaspoon, and oddly enough, even less of them, one out of 18, keep to that goal.
An article published in the Wall Street Journal highlights the struggles of us as Americans to limit the salt in our diet.
It?s all been laid out. Too much salt causes hypertension, high blood pressure, edema, swelling, heart problems, osteoporosis and even death. Some places like New York City have taken it into even higher consideration, asking that restaurants cut out the salt in many of their recipes, to help New Yorkers, as a whole, eat less salt.
And that?s not such a bad idea, maybe since most of the hidden salts that we consume comes from processed foods and outside foods, not the actual salt that we sprinkle on our dishes. Read the full Wall Street Journal story here www.online.wsj.com
So, what can we do to make sure that the salt we take in isn?t killing us?
The first key here is to give up table salt for sea salt. I have said it time and time again. Sea salt is a much healthier option for us. When we eat table salt, it is rock salt. What we do in order to make rock salt edible is remove the water from it when it?s heated up. But once it?s in our bodies, it attracts the fluid. In contrast, sea salt is full of water before you ingest it and therefore you don?t see it attract as much.
The other key here is to replace sodium with potassium. We can do that with a version of the Rice/Fruit diet.
The two main positively charged ions are potassium and sodium. Walter Kempner, born in Germany 1903, joined Duke University?s Department of Medicine in 1934. He was the originator of the rice diet. He noted that a diet heavy in rice and fruit could actually help people who have been fighting with some of the effects of too much salt, like hypertension. But, when Kempner came up with this theory, and this successful diet, he didn?t count on one thing: that the food we grow here actually has very little potassium because of the fertilizer that it?s grown in!
So what can we do to be as healthy as possible?

On our own, we can limit the hidden salt sources. When eating at a restaurant ask for low salt, buy butter with no salt, etc.

When we cook for ourselves, we can make sure that we use sea salt. Dump your table salt. You don?t need it!  Stay away from salt altogether if you can.

Eat a diet high in potassium so that you can get the healthy effects to counteract the salt that you are still taking in; more fresh fruits and vegetables

When you are eating fruit, try to make sure that you always buy organic.
Do you feel that you eat too much salt? Are you bloated all the time or your doctors have told you that you have high blood pressure?