Obesity Kills: to Die or Not to Die Rests in Your Hands!

The stress test his doctor performed was negative one week ago Chest x ray okay ? the lab results were not suggestive of any acute problems.  Why did he die then, if he did not have any problems?  Almost the same thing happened to Tim Russert, a famous television journalist ? sudden death.
Recent investigations revealed no significant problems. Why did he die? Obviously, they both had unrecognized deadly problems. I didn?t know Tim Russell, but I did know my coworker: he was obese, with prominent belly. I often  saw him smoking.  He also looked very nervous.  So to me, a professionally trained doctor, he was not healthy at all, because:
He was obese and I know that obesity can kill..
He was a smoker.
He had prominent belly, suggestive of a low testosterone level and significant insulin resistance.
He was under stress, which was suggested by a high cortisol level.
But why was his stress test normal and the rest of the tests did not reveal any acute problems?  People usually do not die because of nothing. The reason is this – conventional tests are not always accurate enough to ensure safety, because they may detect a problem, when it already exists.  What about this case – when the problem is too small and can?t be detected?  Could it be that we?re looking in the wrong direction? 
Famous King Solomon, well known for his wisdom, once said: ?Treating a disease is like casting a sword, when you are engaged in battle already, or like digging a well, when you are already thirsty.?  What it means for us is this – do not wait, until the problem is big enough to be detected by conventional methods.  It?s well known to anti aging doctors, that obesity can kill you.  It is well known, that from an anti aging standpoint low testosterone and high cortisol can kill.  But unfortunately, in real life these problems are not considered significant enough to medically treat the right away. 
Why? Usually health insurance plans don?t pay for weight management done in a natural way. By this I mean – testosterone replacement with stress and insomnia management (I?m not talking about giving a patient sleeping pills, I?m talking about helping the patient sleep healthy and naturally). The solution is simple: Don?t wait until it is too late; take care of yourself right now, because it may be too late tomorrow.  Do not procrastinate because it may cost you your life!