Functional Medicine in Brooklyn, NYC and Long Island

Sergey Kalitenko MD first discovered functional medicine as a patient.  While working as a physician at a teaching hospital, he developed heart problems.  But he didn’t want to take hazardous pills for the rest of my life. When Dr. Kalitenko found out that he didn’t have to, my life changed completely.  Not only did he totally recover, but he was able to feel great without any unnatural treatments!  By finding the root of his heart troubles and treating that, he was granted a longer, more enjoyable life. He realized then how effective functional and holistic practices can be. Applying Functional Medicine ideas to Dr. Kalitenko his own boy is like tasting food you make. Can you make a good tasty food without tasting it yourself?  Yes, you can. But tasting it yourself is always better.

In 2001, Dr. Kalitenko opened up his own private practice, vowing to himself to treat every patient’s case like it were his own life. A functional practice is beneficial to both the doctor and the patient. They can take hours for appointments instead of 15 minutes and the doctor doesn’t feel pressured to push any dangerous pharmaceuticals on his patients. Focusing on whole healing makes the doctor feel great because he can be truly beneficial to his patients and watch their health transform.

Let’s say you want to take a long bath but the drain won’t close.  Do you just keep running more and more water and use your toe to block the drain? No. You would probably want to fix the source of the problem and repair the drain.

Dr. Kalitenko believes our bodies should be treated the same way. As a functional medicine doctor in NYC, he wants to help you do what the title implies: function optimally. This means using quality, responsible medical techniques to get to the root of the problem. Instead of just treating the symptoms, he wants to fix whatever is causing it all. Oftentimes, the problem a patient complains about is just a side effect of another issue entirely.

At Dr. Kalitenko’s clinic, he does everything possible to avoid unnatural pharmaceuticals.  He wants to support patients being the healthiest person they can be, without any synthetic drugs side effects getting in the way. Looking at the mind and the body, he and his patients work together to find the underlying reason for their health troubles. By using the best labs in the United States, he gets precise, quality test results and can treat you with accuracy.

While Dr. Kalitenko does his best to help you, he does not offer miracles or quick fixes. Even achieving a healthy immune system takes time and effort. He and his patients both have to hold up their parts to get great results.

If you want to learn more about Dr. Kalitenko’s practice or services, sign up for his weekly newsletter. A great way to get to know a doctor is by reading their opinions. He also has many past newsletter articles that you can feel free to read. If you need no further convincing and live near the Long Island, NY or New York City — whether you’re in Brooklyn, Queens, Manhattan, Staten Island, or the Bronx — call today! Good health shouldn’t wait for tomorrow.