How to turn down the heat when hot flashes hit.

Many people think hot flashes and night sweats only happen to women. That’s absolutely not true. It’s a condition that men suffer from, as well. It should always be pointed out to a doctor, as it can be a sign of a life-threatening condition.

But more often, hot flashes and night sweats in men are caused by a hormonal imbalance, usually a low ED level.

How to Cool the Heat

Bioidentical hormone replacement therapy (BHRT) can give you the support you need to easily replace the lost ED. Dr. Kalitenko uses only natural hormones, not synthetic. Natural ED is chemically the same as your own ED, so your body knows how to handle it. Replacing your missing ED can help:

If you want to know more about the support we could offer for hot flashes, give us a call or visit us at our Long Island, NY or Brooklyn location! We are easily accessible from any borough in New York City, whether you’re from Brooklyn, Queens, Manhattan, Staten Island, or the Bronx.

Why Sergey Kalitenko MD?

Sergey Kalitenko MD is licensed in New York State and certified by the Board of Internal Medicine. He specializes in looking for the root cause of your problem. He addresses the underlying cause instead of just taking care of your symptoms, so you feel more like yourself again.