Your cycle doesn’t have to run your life.

Irregular periods are very common for women of all ages. So you’re not alone if you can’t predict your periods. Sometimes, irregular periods may be just that–your body getting slightly out of sync with its internal calendar. But irregular periods may also be a sign of a significant health problem, so you should always have irregular periods checked out by a doctor.

The causes of irregular periods could be:

  • Birth control pills, which not only create hormonal imbalances but may also cause blood clots, increase your risk of cancer, and cause other medical problems
  • Stress, which can be very dangerous
  • Polycystic ovary syndrome, fibroids and other types of estrogen dominance
  • Weight gain, which is dangerous itself because it can lead to estrogen dominance
  • Over-exercise
  • Too much weight loss
  • Menopause with its hormone imbalance

Irregular periods can also contribute to symptoms such as moderate to severe PMS, mood swings, hot flashes and a lack of energy. Dr. Kalitenko could map out a program designed to regulate your period so it becomes more predictable and so you suffer fewer symptoms.

After diagnosing the causes of your irregularity, Dr. Kalitenko could:

Let us get you back on track. Give us a call or visit us at our Long Island, NY or Brooklyn location. We are easily accessible from any borough in New York City, whether you’re from Brooklyn, Queens, Manhattan, Staten Island, or the Bronx.

Why Sergey Kalitenko MD?

Sergey Kalitenko MD is licensed in New York State and certified by the Board of Internal Medicine. He specializes in looking for the root cause of your problem. He addresses the underlying cause instead of just taking care of your symptoms, so you feel more like yourself again.