Irritability and mood swings in men in Long Island, New York.

What Is It?

Reaching midlife can cause a collection of symptoms in men that may disrupt life, careers and relationships. Surprisingly common, it’s called irritable male syndrome.

Irritable male syndrome is a term coined by a Scottish doctor who studied mammals’ seasonal breeding patterns. He found that many male mammals become irritated and nervous when mating season ends and their testosterone level drops. This same phenomenon usually happens when a man is entering andropause (male menopause). His testosterone levels drop, accompanied by unpleasant emotional symptoms, and we call it irritable male syndrome (IMS).

Many people think that women are the only ones with hormonal issues. But hormones are an integral part of all human life. Men need to balance and watch their hormones to avoid issues as much as anyone else.

Symptoms of Irritable Male Syndrome

If the name of the condition isn’t familiar to you, its symptoms may be.

The symptoms of irritable male syndrome are usually triggered by stress. When you’re stressed, your body makes more cortisol (a stress hormone) at the expense of making testosterone, leading to a hormonal imbalance. It’s like a five-person family deciding between two cars. They are looking at a sports car and a minivan, but they only have the money to buy one.  With three children, it’s only reasonable to go with the minivan. Your body needs to make the hormone that it needs the most to survive, which in this case, is cortisol instead of testosterone.


Because irritable male syndrome is caused by a low testosterone level, we offer the support of bioidentical hormone replacement therapy (BHRT) as a great solution. This simply replaces the testosterone you’re losing with a natural substitute, balancing out the symptoms you’re experiencing and putting you on an even keel.

Benefits of Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy

BHRT can give you the support you need to help in all facets of your life:

  • Let go of stress and anxiety
  • Ease depression
  • Increase sexual interest
  • Soothe anger
  • Strengthen patience

We all know it can be embarrassing to admit to a hormonal problem. But if you think you may be suffering from irritable male syndrome, it is absolutely worth it to come in to check it out. Dr. Kalitenko can test your hormone levels and get you on a treatment program that will put your life back in order. It’s like being able to have the minivan and the sports car.

If you want to know more about the support we could offer for irritable male syndrome, give us a call or visit us at our Long Island, NY or Brooklyn location! We are easily accessible from any borough in New York City, whether you’re from Brooklyn, Queens, Manhattan, Staten Island, or the Bronx.

Why Sergey Kalitenko MD?

Sergey Kalitenko MD is licensed in New York State and certified by the Board of Internal Medicine. He specializes in looking for the root cause of your problem. He addresses the underlying cause instead of just taking care of your symptoms, so you feel more like yourself again.