Help for men for everything from erectile dysfunction to stress.

It’s a harsh truth: men often neglect their bodies while they’re busy running their lives. Years of going at full speed can take its toll, and you start to feel it. This can result in a variety of symptoms:

Dr. Kalitenko is a specialist in men’s health and wellness issues, and can help you get back to being the man you want to be.

Men’s issues we can tackle with you:

Andropause is the male version of menopause, and it can give you heavy-duty symptoms, from hot flashes to mood swings to performance problems. But you don’t have to just give in to middle age!

If it feels like more than just a bad mood or the blues, it could be depression. Find out how Dr. Kalitenko can help, without pharmaceuticals.

It happens to most men at some point in their lives. If it’s a continuing problem, Dr. Kalitenko can check your hormones, such as testosterone. Hormonal deficiencies are often the cause of ED and can be adjusted.

If chronic fatigue is crushing your energy, don’t take it lying down! Dr. Kalitenko can treat fatigue holistically, getting to the cause of the problem.

You’ve probably got a lot on your plate. And naturally, it can create unhealthy stress. If the stress is really mounting, see how you can get a handle on it–naturally. Give us a call or visit us at our Long Island, NY or Brooklyn location! We are easily accessible from any borough in New York City, whether you’re from Brooklyn, Queens, Manhattan, Staten Island, or the Bronx.

Why Sergey Kalitenko MD?

Sergey Kalitenko MD is licensed in New York State and certified by the Board of Internal Medicine. He specializes in looking for the root cause of your problem. He addresses the underlying cause instead of just taking care of your symptoms, so you feel more like yourself again.