Weight loss isn’t just about what you eat.

If you’ve put on weight over the years, you know that the older you get, the harder it is to lose the pounds. But your current issue may not be a lack of willpower. Many times the problem is a hormone imbalance or toxins in your system.

Therapies that could give you the support you need for weight management:

Another possibility is the HCG diet. It’s not for everyone, but it often has dramatic results, and it may be right for you.

What is the HCG Diet?

  • The HCG diet first became popular when it was proven to be effective by Dr. Simeons in the UK in 1950s. The HCG diet not only helps with weight loss but is also effective in maintaining weight when a patient returns to his/her regular diet.
  • The HCG diet consists of a low calorie diet along with HCG injections. According to Dr. Simeons, these injections suppress appetite.
  • HCG may also prevent the sagging skin that often comes with dramatic weight loss.

Let us create your ideal weight plan so you could reach your ideal weight.

If you don’t like the shape you see in the mirror or the number on the scale, there’s a more natural way to make a change for the thinner. And you don’t need weight loss pills to do it. Let Dr. Kalitenko design a weight management plan that’s right for your body, your age, and your lifestyle. Imagine seeing a whole new you in the mirror. Give us a call or visit us at our Long Island, NY or Brooklyn location. We are easily accessible from any borough in New York City, whether you’re from Brooklyn, Queens, Manhattan, Staten Island, or the Bronx.

Why Sergey Kalitenko MD?

Sergey Kalitenko MD is licensed in New York State and certified by the Board of Internal Medicine. He specializes in looking for the root cause of your problem. He addresses the underlying cause instead of just taking care of your symptoms, so you feel more like yourself again.