Angelina Jolie got slim fast, but how?

Because she was slim again 3 month after delivery. There is no question, that she looked fabulous. The question is how she could do it.  There are mainly two guesses about how she  lost weight so fast. First is the dieting.  Angelina Jolie is 5’8”, and her estimated weight now is 112 so BMI is […]

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A Sign of Weakness

New York City Holistic Doctor Offers Lifestyle Strategies for Alleviating Hernias   ?Be careful how you lift that, or you?ll give yourself a hernia!?  How often have we heard that advice from our moms as we were growing up, or from well-meaning spouses or employers in our adult years?  Regardless of where we heard it, […]

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Americans Still Not Eating Healthy, Study Says. Is There an Easier Way?

A study has found that Americans rarely eat salad, the reason: it’s difficult to prepare. Getting the fresh ingredients, cleaning, cutting, preparing. However, oncologists suggest that you eat 5 fresh fruits and vegetables daily – making salad an important dish. It’s ingredients are raw, hence the vitamins and nutrients aren’t destroyed by high temperatures. While […]

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