Is Your Food What It Says It Is?

It turns out that we might not be able to trust the packaging on some of our food products. The packaging might market the food as something else entirely or fail to mention some questionable additions.   Masqueraders in Our Food In the past few years, lab tests have found some interesting add-ons and substitutes […]

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Dealing with a condition like Parkinson’s disease usually involves medication that treats the disease’s symptoms. Recent studies, however, suggest there may be a cure not in drugs but in bacteria, specifically the bacteria in our gut.   Bacteria and Parkinson’s Symptoms   Researchers have recently discovered a link between gut bacteria and Parkinson’s disease. They […]

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Could Nuts Be a Better Choice Than Chemotherapy?

What if instead of chemotherapy, the answer to cancer was something simple and right under our noses? The solution to cancer could be in our food. What if a bag of nuts is all we need to keep cancer away?   Cancer and Nuts Nuts as the ultimate support for those with cancer? It might […]

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Do Rosacea and Dry Skin Come from Your Gut?

When it comes to skin conditions like rosacea and dry skin, our skin might not be to blame. It’s likely that the root cause of such conditions lies beneath the surface of our skin, all the way in our gut.   Rosacea on the Surface Rosacea is a skin condition that some might refer to […]

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Children Could Inherit Complications from Obese Parents

You may think that obesity comes about as a result of poor diet and lifestyle choices. But it could also be hereditary. Parents may actually be able to pass down obesity and related developmental issues to their children.   Obesity Could Lead to Developmental Issues in Children A recent study discovered that children of obese […]

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ADHD: It’s Not in Your Genes

There’s an “epidemic” of ADHD going around that seems to be sorely misunderstood. The disorder is treated by potentially toxic drugs that leave children even more disadvantaged in their adult life than the disorder alone. Not only that but the blame for the disorder keeps being placed on genes when heavy metal toxicity might be […]

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The Shocking Truth Behind Whole Grain Foods

Eat your grains! Whole grains are extremely popular because of their heavily advertised health benefits.  But the more research is done, the less attractive they look to doctors and patients?and to me. While doing a follow-up appointment with a patient, he mentioned that he had eaten bread the day before the appointment.  I said, ?As […]

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