Light can save your life, light can kill you

We cannot live without light, because we need it to work and we need it to help us get vitamin D to protect us from cancer and to build our bones. But it does not mean, that we can use light more, than nature allows us. We know, that too much sun light can cause […]

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The Intriguing Vitamin D

No other vitamin has sparked so furious a fight in a medical community as Vitamin D.  The debate concerning whether or not it prevents cancer is ongoing.  Naturally, the stakes in this fight are extremely high because cancer is the second highest cause of death in this country after cardiovascular disease.  For this reason, we […]

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Meal Planning: Do We Need Breakfast To Lose Weight

According to the majority of experts we need to eat breakfast. Somebody even suggests, that breakfast should be the most important meal of the day. Remember: eat breakfast as a king, lunch as a prince, and dinner as a pauper. But when I tried to apply this to my weight loss program I found out […]

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The Simple Answer to Better Sex

Sleeping disorders are on the rise.  The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention surveyed people in 1985 and in 2004, asking how many hours of sleep they got per night.  In just 20 years, the amount of sleep has significantly decreased.  Today, over a quarter of Americans under 65 years old sleep 6 hours or […]

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