The Lowdown on Water: The Forgotten Nutrient that Could Kill You

They may be right, as water is necessary for almost every function of our body. Therefore, we should drink enough.  However, recent reports suggest that our tap water is contaminated by multiple toxins. So it looks like in order to get enough of the essential nutrient, we have to consume more toxins. The solution to […]

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This Highly Recommended Drink Can Actually Destroy Your Brain and Body!

It?s been said that having a couple glasses of red wine every day helps you live a longer and healthier life.  Is this convenient research accurate?  For years, it?s been a widely believed fact that alcohol in moderation, especially red wine, is beneficial for your health because of the resveratrol in it. Resveratrol is a chemical […]

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Two Culprits of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

Over one million Americans have chronic fatigue syndrome [1].  It?s more prevalent than many forms of cancer!  Although it may feel petty to tell a doctor, ?I?m really tired all the time,? chronic fatigue syndrome has recently been proven to be a serious immunological dysfunction.  It warns us that something terrible is going on somewhere […]

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To Drink Raw Cow’s Milk or Not to Drink?

Even though raw caw?s milk is probably better, then drinking soda, it still is not really 100% natural.  Reason: when men were created, there were no agriculture.  Therefore our digestive system is not designed to drink cow?s milk.  And it actually may do more harm then good. Reasons why it may cause harm: Raw cow?s […]

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The Nutrients on the Shelves: Are They Useless?

With wintertime sicknesses afloat, vitamin supplements are being passed around like candy.  The popular belief is that food in America may not provide enough vitamins to be sufficient.  On the other hand, many doctors say that taking them is a waste of time and money. Does the basic research they refer to actually support this […]

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